Desert Dave

Desert Dave

Friday, September 20, 2013

Are you sick of ObamaCare yet?

From the time I first read the proposed and then final bill, I knew we were in for a disaster. This legislation dreamed up behind closed doors, birthed of a Democrat controlled government and implemented by FAR LEFT/Socialist appointees. Sebelius was handed a $2B slush fund without controls and a blank sheet of paper when it comes to regulations. What else would you expect from this administration? Ramming through sweetheart deals for his bundlers and donors, he has created a nation of unemployed, discouraged and dependent citizens. If you think this legislation is about getting insurance for the uninsured, you are smoking something. This is all about control. Control of you, your money, your rights, your life, your future. The next step will be what they really were trying to get, that is single payer healthcare. Cradle to grave, they will control it all. Time to de-fund this train wreck!
VOTE the bastards out.
Keep your head down, the shit is about to fly.