Desert Dave

Desert Dave

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Obama inflicts savage sanctions on Russia

In a stunning move, Barry Soto announced crippling sanctions to be imposed on Russia as retaliation for the sanctions that Russia imposed on the US in retaliation for the sanctions Obama placed on Russia in retaliation for invading Crimea. The POTUS announced that for the next 60 days, the White House will boycott Russia Vodka! They are hoping that other government agencies will follow suit. Just last year, the White House consumed over $200k worth of the stuff.
The Kremlin was reeling from the crippling blow to their economy. In a statement by Vladimir Putin, he indicated that the Russian people are strong and determined people. They can weather any thing the WH can  throw at them.
NATO insiders who were not authorized to comment, indicated that such sanctions could escalate the hostilities. They believe that Putin will respond tit for tat in the next weeks ahead. This insider suggested that Putin may cut off his HBO subscription and possibly return the "reset button" that was presented by Hillary Clinton. NATO is taking a "wait and see" approach to this ever escalating Cold War.
I strongly suggest my readers(s) to avoid imports of caviar, as they may contain mind control drugs. Be prepared and ever vigilant.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Are You Frustrated too?

Is it just me or has the world gone mad? With the Syrian crisis unchanged and Iran announcing the have multiple warhead missiles and Putin taking Crimea with impunity, it clearly shows that a nation that elects a rookie Illinois state senator to the most powerful position on Earth is watching the epic failure from a front row seat.
Add to the mix with Obummercare, IRS and still no answers on Benghazi and you  want to blow your head off. But instead, I am going to tuff it out and vote the SOB's out.

Vote early and often.