Desert Dave

Desert Dave

Monday, June 1, 2015

Patriot? Act

Washington is well known for their deceptive titling of legislation. "Affordable? Care? Act" is anything but. Not affordable, not about care. Well we should also look at the Patriot Act. I full believe that our founding fathers would spin in their graves if they looked at this act. It peels away basic fundamental rights that they fought and died for. Here a group of overpaid, pampered egotists seek to further erode our rights by having unnamed judges secretly sign broad warrants and collect massive amounts of data on our citizens. It may sound innocuous, but knowing who calls whom, when and how long is a violation or our basic rights. I don't always agree with Rand Paul, but on this one, he is spot on.

This is only the surface of the data they are really collecting. It just hasn't surfaced yet, but some day we will find out the extent to which our people are being spied on by our government. Recently, a city in the Phoenix metro area quietly installed cameras inside hollowed out cactus. Cameras all over the city now track and report the movements of vehicles by trapping their license numbers and compiling a database. They have done this on I-17, I-10 and other major route for some time as well as mobile cameras on police vehicles.

Though I have nothing to hide and not aware of any skeletons in the closet, it is unnerving to know that they can track me real-time throughout the city. Why do they need to know where I am going, where I have been or even what I am doing as long as it is legal?

We are now learning more about the fake cell towers that trap and collect our calls. Pretty scary by itself. If that isn't enough, the military, DEA, Homeland Security and other agencies are practicing taking over parts of our country in exercises deemed Jade Helm 15. I see the vehicles, tankers, hmmvs and other equipment barreling down the interstate bound for the exercises. Just a matter of time....

Sadly, our forefathers would be angry beyond belief to see the Constitution trampled on so flagrantly.
God Bless America, please help us in our time of need.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Prepare for Armageddon

Ol' Desert Dave doesn't claim to know WHAT Armageddon will look like, but you need to be prepared anyway. So many people are just cruising through life assuming tomorrow will be like today and recent past. So what happens when some 3rd rate country gets a Russian launcher and a small EMP device and wants to hurt us? I can think of a few countries that already have the resources to do it. They don't even have to be inside our borders to do it! What will you do when the lights go out? You won't be driving to the store. You won't be flushing your toilet for long. You'll be out of drinking water in a day.
You might even be one of those millions driving to or from work and get stuck somewhere away from home. How much cash do you have with you? After all, the ATMs and banks will be shut down. You could be wealthy but not have anything but a credit card and electronic resources. If so, God help you.
Okay, if you started putting a little food aside, good for you. You have an arsenal? That will only be as good as your ability to protect yourself from cover. You can bet local, state and federal government has a plan to protect themselves but not you.
Well maybe, just should give it some thought, read some and invest appropriately.


Don't plan on someone else reaching you with supplies and taking care of you. It won't happen.

What do you keep in your vehicle? Enough water, clothing, food and protection to reach your home by foot?
Maybe you should.

We saw a brief glimpse of chaos here in ol' Arizona. Someone purposely cut a fiber optic line north of Phoenix. It put much of the state north of there into panic. No internet, no cable, limited cell coverage, no banks, no ATMs, any business that took credit cards closed including gas stations. All that with one intentional cut line. What would happen if someone really wanted to shut us down???

Just remember, it is every man for himself when the lights go out. Don't come knocking on Desert Dave's door telling me I was right. PREPARE!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Aren't you tired of Govt telling you what to eat, what Dr you can use and what you can believe????

First it was Obamacare. Their attempt to nationalize medicine and make you dependent on their control. Then they used their control of our education system to tell you what your children can eat. Now they are working full time to flood the airwaves with their propaganda and manipulation of information to make you believe their have our best interests at heart. Well, bullshit!
The latest revelation about the NSA putting software on your hard drives to watch you should make your blood run cold. I've even resorted to using my old laptop that predates their tools. It is slow, but I feel just a little safer.
I envision a revelation that NSA has found a way to tap into your home security networks and watch you in your own home. Feel safer as a result of Obummer's administration?
I don't.

Desert Dave