Desert Dave

Desert Dave

Friday, February 20, 2015

Aren't you tired of Govt telling you what to eat, what Dr you can use and what you can believe????

First it was Obamacare. Their attempt to nationalize medicine and make you dependent on their control. Then they used their control of our education system to tell you what your children can eat. Now they are working full time to flood the airwaves with their propaganda and manipulation of information to make you believe their have our best interests at heart. Well, bullshit!
The latest revelation about the NSA putting software on your hard drives to watch you should make your blood run cold. I've even resorted to using my old laptop that predates their tools. It is slow, but I feel just a little safer.
I envision a revelation that NSA has found a way to tap into your home security networks and watch you in your own home. Feel safer as a result of Obummer's administration?
I don't.

Desert Dave