Desert Dave

Desert Dave

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


It seems to me that there are forces at work that are trying to continue the division and identity politics in our nation. I'm not looking for us all to agree on anything, but the words are escalating into actions. People, even college age students, are ignorant of our history and take the inflammatory words of a few and believe them. The media is full of lies, deceit and purposeful omission.

So what are these forces? Is it highly funded revolutionary organizations that would love to see our country crumble? Is it disassociated masses of ill-informed morons?  Is it a swamp filled with self-serving politicians? Well, maybe it is all of the above. But I believe that all are influenced by the adversary. For as our society fragments, so does organized religious practice. The glue that had been holding this country together since the Pilgrim's set foot on the continent has been rooted in God.

Today we are pushing God out of our schools, military, prisons, work place, sports and our lives. The country without such a binding force is doomed to implode. I pray that we can see our way clear as a nation to worship God and respect each other.

May God Bless our great nation.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Tribute to R. Lee Ermey

Gunny served as a DI in the Vietnam era Marines.  A time when we had to transform youth to hardened Marines in a matter of weeks.  He must have reflected back on the faces and names that left his training and prayed that they make it back.  He was a cream puff surrounded by tank armor.  His later years were nostalgic playing with the best of the best weapons, soldiers and things that go boom. He was a man that lived hard, looked tough, loved life and brought much to this life. Rest in Peace Gunny

Saturday, January 20, 2018

All this shouting about government shutdown

Okay, time to spout off about the Schumer shutdown. This is the most hypocritical display of the Senate in modern times. Screw the talking points, this is just a hostage move plain and simple. Time to change the Senate rules. Hell, it's time for term limits too. (Right, that will never happen). With all the political spinning, I'm getting dizzy.
Vote em all out!