Desert Dave

Desert Dave

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Powerless to stop the trainwreck

Ever feel totally powerless? I mean really powerless? Well it used to be WE THE PEOPLE, now our lawmakers, administration and Supreme Court all treat us like THEY know better. Those in power want to hold on to it. We are treated like we are stupid simpletons that shouldn't be allowed to make our own decisions.
Let's take education. It has long been a given that each local district should fund, elect and control what and how our children are taught. Now we are told by a Federal Department of Education every aspect of how our schools are run. Why? Because the states decided to accept funding from the Feds.
Then there is your healthcare. Geez! Don't get me started. Just plan on watching it implode and become the largest waste of money every conceived.
Now as we see just how the administration is trying to make their lack of a budget painful. Let me see, by law they MUST have a budget every year. No budget for over 5 years. That is a total travesty.
I, for one, cannot wait to participate in the 2014 midterm elections. I really pray that a lot of lawmakers, especially Harry Reid, become unemployed.
Vote early, vote often.

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Thank you for your comments. However, in the case of an EMP, all this is an exercise in futility.