Desert Dave

Desert Dave

Monday, November 17, 2014

Lost a good friend

Even Desert Dave gets sad on occasion. Last week, a good friend left his cabin with his dog Faith and set off for a hike near Flagstaff. Search and Rescue found him dead days later on a nearby peak with his dog nearby protecting him. Our loss is Heaven's gain. He was a blessing to all as he shared God's love in the jail and prison systems. He joins his wife Mary in the company of angels. May God grant peace for his family left here on earth. And may those dedicated volunteer searchers be blessed for their service.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Been Holding My Tongue

Okay readers, I have been holding my tongue for weeks now because I know I will write something I will regret otherwise. But, GEEZ, my blood pressure is off the charts and blood dripping from my eyes!

So here goes. Hope the N$A isn't listening to this.
First let me say I did not vote for him. Second, I am NOT prejudiced, racist or any other "ist".  I am results oriented myself and expect that of an elected official. I watch the news and see the shell game that is being played. Lies, cover up, cronyism, violations of the law, misuse of power, cover up (oh I said that), and more lies. I never thought I would be afraid of and for my government.
Bengazi: Lest we forget that this was a scandal that was just prior to the election. Had the truth come out earlier, I doubt Barry Soetoro would be in power today. Incompetence, lies, coverup, conspiracy. You can't make this stuff up.
IRS: I guess they must think we are a bunch of total idiots. They "lose" her emails for two years and then finally "recycle" her hard drive so no one can run forensics on it. You know the dirt goes deep when this stuff happens.
Releasing the FAB 5: I would call it incompetence, but I have to give them a lot more credit for being shrewd. One deserter for the top 5 terrorists (and rumor of $$ under the table). You have to frigging be out of your mind!
Obamacare: I won't rail on this much today. It is just the single biggest boondoggle ever devised. They are trying to use Executive power to push off some of the deadlines because they know implementation will create a sure and certain loss in both houses of Congress. Hmmm, I didn't know the President had the power to change laws on a whim.
EPA: Are you kidding? Cows are now a registered source of air pollution and likely cause the end of our world as we know it unless bureaucrats find a way to regulate them. Even dust in the desert is now regulated by EPA. Maricopa county had to put together a dust abatement plan to be in compliance. Of course, I see the Director of Maricopa county EPA resigned over this one. (Hey! One Job Opening)
Homeland Security: So the cartels figured out that if they overload the border with kids, CBP will be too overwhelmed to guard the border from drugs, weapons, terrorists and other traffic that is now flowing with impunity. How do they handle it? They pick them up and fly them to Arizona and then bus them to downtown Phoenix and open the door.
CRAP! Just hunker down and just hope you aren't in the blast radius.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Obama inflicts savage sanctions on Russia

In a stunning move, Barry Soto announced crippling sanctions to be imposed on Russia as retaliation for the sanctions that Russia imposed on the US in retaliation for the sanctions Obama placed on Russia in retaliation for invading Crimea. The POTUS announced that for the next 60 days, the White House will boycott Russia Vodka! They are hoping that other government agencies will follow suit. Just last year, the White House consumed over $200k worth of the stuff.
The Kremlin was reeling from the crippling blow to their economy. In a statement by Vladimir Putin, he indicated that the Russian people are strong and determined people. They can weather any thing the WH can  throw at them.
NATO insiders who were not authorized to comment, indicated that such sanctions could escalate the hostilities. They believe that Putin will respond tit for tat in the next weeks ahead. This insider suggested that Putin may cut off his HBO subscription and possibly return the "reset button" that was presented by Hillary Clinton. NATO is taking a "wait and see" approach to this ever escalating Cold War.
I strongly suggest my readers(s) to avoid imports of caviar, as they may contain mind control drugs. Be prepared and ever vigilant.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Are You Frustrated too?

Is it just me or has the world gone mad? With the Syrian crisis unchanged and Iran announcing the have multiple warhead missiles and Putin taking Crimea with impunity, it clearly shows that a nation that elects a rookie Illinois state senator to the most powerful position on Earth is watching the epic failure from a front row seat.
Add to the mix with Obummercare, IRS and still no answers on Benghazi and you  want to blow your head off. But instead, I am going to tuff it out and vote the SOB's out.

Vote early and often.