Desert Dave

Desert Dave

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Did Holder use the Justice Dept to spur on race demonstrations?

If it wasn't already bad enough, we are now hearing that Holder used a little know branch of the JD to encourage and organize race based demonstrations against George Zimmerman. Witnesses stated that they received help and support from the JD's branch that was originally developed to quell riots and race based demonstrations. I thought it was strange that this particular incident that was deemed self-defense by the police was propelled into the forefront so quickly and seemingly driven by the Prez himself. Statements like, "...if I had a son, he would look just like Trayvon" only confirm that he used the power of the administration to gin up the race card and further divert public attention from things like Benghazi and the numerous scandals that are rocking his administration.
Now with his push to get union leaders appointed to the NLRB with a rule change (the nuclear option) it is apparent that Obummer is willing to fold, bend and mutilate the Constitution for any political gain.
I fear we are well beyond recovering a government "OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE".
Prepare, stay safe and pray.

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Thank you for your comments. However, in the case of an EMP, all this is an exercise in futility.