Desert Dave

Desert Dave

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Janet Napolitano steps down....finally

Another one of Obummer's hand picked staff steps down. Janet's tenure was rocked with non-stop screw ups and bad policy. It is rumored that both Janet and Eric Holder studied at the same school of idiotic policy. To begin with, her selection was totally insane. She had zero experience in military or law enforcement. Both are critical to ensure coordination and efficient utilization of the assets she was charged with. Secondly, her politics kept getting in the way of doing the job she swore to do. When Arizona sheriff's would call ICE to pick up prisoners found in the US illegally, they were told to refuse that service. Janet turned thousands of prisoners housed in federal custody loose on the public with no notice. Local law enforcement was stunned at that stunt. Guess they wanted to get them signed up by ACORN as quick as possible for those 2014 mid term elections.
My real concern is the way she will be replaced. Harry Reid has already threatened to change the rules of the Senate (the nuclear option) and run her replacement through with the union bosses in a simple majority. Gee, maybe he will appoint Van Jones or Bill Ayres. What would be better than to have a radical revolutionary have access to all of our national secrets and in charge of our security?
Too bad Eric Holder won't be stepping down, after all, Obummer needs him in that position to cover his butt with all his illegal actions. He knows he won't get investigated like a neutral justice department should be doing.
Well, get prepared, stay safe and get off the radar.

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