Desert Dave

Desert Dave

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Lost Jobs

I'm not big on reposting the works of others, but this was just too good not to quote.
According to author James Pethokoukis on AEI Ideas, here are some job facts you won't find Washington or the mainstream media talking about.

1. Over 69 percent of the jobs created in Q2 2013 and over 57 percent of all the jobs created in the first half of 2013 were created in the three lowest wage sub-sectors of the economy, Retail Trade, Administrative and Waste Services, and Leisure and Hospitality, that otherwise account for an aggregate of only 33 percent of all private sector jobs.

2. These jobs, in the aggregate, pay an average of only $15.80 per hour, compared with the other two-thirds of private sector jobs, which pay $27.16 per hour. Relative to unemployment benefits and other assistance, jobs at $15.80 per hour put less than $3.00/hour more in the pockets of a newly working consumer.

3. About half of the jobs created during the first half of 2013, and a large majority of the jobs created in Q2 2013, appear to have been part-time jobsthat offer employees as little as one hour of work per week, and up to 35 hours of work.

4. After falling from a recession high of 9.2 million to a post-recession low of 7.6 million at the end of Q1 2013, the number of people saying they are working part time because they can’t find full time work (part time for economic reasons) crept back up to 8.2 million, double pre-recession levels.
5. Nearly 100 percent of the decline in the U-3 unemployment rate has been the result of there being fewer workers in the labor force as a percentage of the employable population. If the Labor Force Participation Rate had not fallen from October 2009, when unemployment hit its Great Recession peak of 10 percent, unemployment would today still be around 10 percent. Moreover, if the LFPR were held constant from its highest pre-recession level of 66.40 percent in January 2007 (when unemployment was 4.6 percent), the U-3 unemployment rate would be nearly 12 percent today.  "

As you can see in #1, the jobs created are McJobs. Not the machining, production, steel work, construction or financial jobs. Ones that used to pay a decent wage are being replaced with part time, low wage jobs. Funny that the mainstream keeps talking about the lower unemployment rates but not the fact that there are far fewer people actually working, millions more on food stamps, and the jobs that were created are at a much lower wage.
I can tell you from experience, jobs in my industry are paying 30-40% less IF you can get one. They laid off the older, higher paid workers and hired at a much lower wage or outsourced the products to other countries.
THIS administration is all about lies, deflection and cover up.
I was asked the question, "Do you think we can turn it around?".  I fear that would be wishful thinking. The elite have built their power base and the jobs are permanently lost.

Stay safe, prep and vote this bunch of UnAmerican liars out of office.

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