Desert Dave

Desert Dave

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Now Big Brother can track you on the highway

You know those common place cameras on the highway? The one's that look like highway webcams? Well now Big Brother has implemented a new set of tools to track millions of drivers. It's called Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR). They can mount them under freeway underpasses, on cop cars, at intersections and they work day and night. With their infrared cameras, they digest and report thousands of cars per hour and feed it to massive databases. The database knows here you were and when. It may not seem like much, but coupled with the Feds collecting all your calls, emails and soon to be texts and tweets. (They may be doing that too but we have no confirmation).
So now on the way to the grocery, you are tracked by your cell, your license plate, facial recognition, your credit card, in-store security feeds and every time you used the internet. Makes you want to run from the grid.... Well, you can run but you can't hide, unless you are of a certain protected religious class. Then they just can't seem to find you. Hmmm
Stay safe, stockpile food and smile. (The facial recognition systems can't read you then)

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Thank you for your comments. However, in the case of an EMP, all this is an exercise in futility.