Desert Dave

Desert Dave

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Off to the Gun Show!

The monthly Crossroads of the West is in town this week. The crowds flock to browse, shop and cart off loads of goodies. For me it's not so much the merchandise that is at the show, rather the crowd watching. Toddlers in strollers, pregnant moms, grandma and grandpa, old, young, doctors, lawyers, construction workers, the young couples, all there to find something.
Last time I was in line for bulk ammo, two elderly ladies were in line behind me and they struck up a conversation. They chatted about the particular firearms they owned and which were their favorites. We chatted about reloading, ammo types, politics (yes they were conservative) and the times in general. (Did I mention this was a pretty long line?)
I don't know what the crowds will be like in the heat of the summer, but I expect it won't deter everyone. We'll see what goodies they have....Off to the show.
Stay safe, point the muzzle downrange and prep.

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