Desert Dave

Desert Dave

Sunday, July 14, 2013

They used to call them "Rabble Rousers"

I ask myself why would the Zimmerman case be such a media circus. In true character, "myself" had a few answers. (Okay, so I am talking to myself again...and answering)
There are some that have used this tragic situation to make an even more tragic drama out of it. This case is not all that different from hundreds of similar events across the country, but it did come at a time that certain partisan forces needed distraction or diversion to keep the general public from focusing on their administration and it's failures.
Also, black "leaders" like Al Sharpton have leveraged media circuses in the past to keep his name out there and get sweetheart deals like his news commentator job. There is big money in ginning up the crowd and he is usually available for all those televised moments.
Obummer obviously weighed in on the topic March of 2012 with his now famous quote about how if he had a son, he would look just like Trayvon. Gee, better than the beer summit!
Now that a jury of his peers carefully reviewed the facts and the media decided what the verdict "should be", he was found not guilty.
Not to let a good tragedy die, Al Sharpton is back trying to ride this train all the way to the end of the tracks.
Today he stated:
"The acquittal of George Zimmerman is a slap in the face to the American people but it is only the first round in the pursuit of justice. We intend to ask the Department of Justice to move forward as they did in the Rodney King case and we will closely monitor the civil case against Mr. Zimmerman. I will convene an emergency call with preachers tonight to discuss next steps and I intend to head to Florida in the next few days."
- the Rev. Al Sharpton
Back in the day, people that did this were called "rabble rousers".


a person who stirs up the passions or prejudices of the public, usually for his or her own interests; demagogue. (1)
Though I fully support the First Amendment, there are some like Sharpton that abuse the power of the press. Al, if you really are a clergy member, you are turning your back on all the things that Jesus tried to teach us. Maybe you should take the time to read the Bible. (Especially that part on FORGIVENESS)

Prepare for the worst, stay safe and get involved.

(1) Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013

1 comment:

  1. Desert Dave has amazing insight and wit. I have never seen anything like it anywhere. Where has he been...wonder if he is single


Thank you for your comments. However, in the case of an EMP, all this is an exercise in futility.